I’m lost. Mi sono perso, verdwaald

Copyright DelphinaGoud

There are always circumstances you can feel lost in life.

When this happened to me last year I got this dolphinAngel symbol from the dolphin Angels

I just want to share this for other people who have this problem in life.

Prayer and the dolphin Angels are a big help in my life. Feel deep inside what you really need in life and focus on this positive reality to make this dream come true!

Your Heart

Your heart always tells the truth.

When you dive deep into your heart and just listen the truth will be there for you.

Especially in this time but always follow your own way.

I got a dolphinAngelsymbol about following your own way. This will not say you are a egoistic person.

It will say following your Highest Self which is stored in your heart.

As we follow our heart and not go the ego way life would be much easier.

The dolphins only follow their heart because they are pure and without second agenda.

This is one of the reasons I love them so much.

Let the Angels of the sea guide you with this beautiful message.


DolphinAngel symbol cards!

Hi my friends, you can now order the dolphinAngel symbol cards!

There are 60 cards which represent 60 different experiences in life!

There is also a little booklet with explanation in it!

To order you can send me a email to


and you will receive all the details.

All profits will go to animal organisations around the world!

Much love!

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